Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Shins

Recently I have been gorging my ears, and body with a band called "The Shins." I originally came across this band when watching the movie Garden State. There melodic tone and vibrant music seems to brighten my usual dreary outlook when walking whether through or to campus. One track in particular, "New Slang" has brought such, I find myself looking at the sky, The birds floating lazily around on currents of staffs and notes, and the blue skies accenting the brick which once belonged to the earth. My feet seem to drop at the correct rhythm, and all looks bright. "New Slang," and "Caring is Creepy" were both on the Garden State soundtrack, but recently I have broken the reins and run to the other albums that have been released by this group. They all have the same type of mind altering effects much like a musical zoloft. The Shins, I salute thy mind altering effects, and you are best heard with headphone.

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